Cambridge Heights Academy Priority areas

Cambridge Heights Academy's programs are designed to strengthen students' lives. Our program focuses on five priority areas: academic excellence, character education, leadership, STEM, and Workforce Development.
Priority #1 Academic Excellence
Priority #2 Character Development
Priority #3 Leadership
Priority #4 STEM (STEM + Arts = STEAM)
Priority #5 Workforce Development
Philosophy on Learning
Cambridge Heights Academy philosophy relies heavily on the focus of supporting academic achievement and empowering students to become 21st-century leaders.
The knowledge, skills, and opportunities that students need are acquired through collaborative working relationships among the school, home, and the community
Cambridge Heights Academy students are supported academically, empowered socially, and become equipped to make decisions that will enable them to become productive, responsible citizens, free from the negative impact of drugs, violence, and other destructive behaviors. The knowledge, skills, and opportunities that students need will be acquired through collaborative working relationships among the school, home, and the community.